Garage Sale with Lots of Kid Toys and Items

联系人: Janet
城市: Novi
发布时间: 2012-07-22 02:41:25
从婴儿摇床和摇篮, 到大量适合于 1-3 岁的幼儿玩具(男女孩), 车座和衣服, 到 5 岁小女孩可玩的小房子和自行车. 玩具很新很好玩, 可比商店节省很多钱! Great Deals! 有兴趣的妈妈可打电话询问及约时间看东西: Janet 734-417-3483.
我们另有一套沙发, 茶几(很少用), 可组合饭桌, 和圣诞树, 欢迎问讯. 先来先得.

Garage Sale with Lots of Kid Toys and Items

Baby: clothing, car seat, bouncer (very soft and smooth; 2 speed; music; can change direction), Step Starter 2-in-1 walker (music); Playtex child carrier, etc
1-3 years (boy and girl): clothing, high chair; car seat; blocks; large playing door with lots of learning/music; 2 piece crawling combo with music, etc
4-5 years (girl): car seat; play house, bike, handcrafted wood rocking pony, Crayola Magnetic Double-Sided Easel, etc
Ikea storage Combination with boxes and lots more
Two piece Sofa combo, dining table, coffee table, and Xmas tree with decorates!

TV - 19" Zenith color. $49


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