
联系人: Paula C. Drummond
电话: (734)482-4110 Ext. 1306
Email: drummond@ypsilibrary.org
城市: Ypsilanti, MI
发布时间: 2007-10-12 02:25:41.0

Hello, My name is Paula Drummond and I work at the public library in Ypsilanti, MI. We are part of the Community Reads event that takes place every year in Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti. This year, the theme is: China and America: bridging two worlds. This ties in with the UM theme year that has already started; I  wondered if you could help us locate possible program presenters for programs we would present here in support of the Community Reads theme. Some ideas we have discussed here would be: Accupuncture, calligrapher, Chinese food, Chinese performing arts, martial arts, or anything else that would fit the theme. We will also be holding discussions on whichever book is selected this year (by late October).

If you could suggest any presenters in the Metro Detroit area, we would be grateful. All presenters can be paid for their expertise and willingness to share with the community. Thanks for your help!

Paula C. Drummond
Head, Adult Services Department
Ypsilanti District Library
5577 Whittaker Road
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
(734) 482-4110 Ext. 1306

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