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Email: info@cc4cc.com
城市: Royal Oak, MI
发布时间: 2016-08-31 21:23:56.0
荒岛乐队专场演出: 9月3日星期六晚7:00pm-8:40pm
2016 Royal Oak艺术音乐美食节.Vibe Credit Union International Stage不见不散!
501 S Main St, Royal Oak, MI 48067

荒岛乐队是一个活跃于大底特律华人社区的电声乐队。因其大部分成员毕业于清华大学而荒岛是清华园里的一个景点,所以乐队冠名“荒岛”,英文名为Desert Island。荒岛乐队以中国风的摇滚见长,并因其独特的音乐风格第一次打入主流社会的夏季音乐会 - 2016年福特艺术音乐美食节The 19th Annual Ford Arts, Beats & Eats Festival, Labor Day Weekend at Royal Oak, MI。http://artsbeatseats.com/beats/
这是美国底特律地区最大的夏季艺术音乐节之一,去年有38万人参与。我们将在9月3日星期六晚7:00-8:40的黄金时间段,在“Vibe Credit Union International Stage"现场表演原创和最新流行的音乐。我们的乐队风格是 “Chinese folk rock”,所以您能听到二胡笛子和失真吉他声混在一起。
欢迎大家前来 捧场, 互动, 指教, 共High!

胡兆安 (架子鼓)

Desert Island, a Chinese Folk Rock band, is very active in metro Detroit local Chinese community. Most of the band members graduated from Tsinghua University, Beijing, where Desert Island is one of the scenic attractions in the campus. With its unique music style, Desert Island is picked by the event organizer to perform at the 19thAnnual Ford Arts, Beats & Eats Festival at Royal Oak, Michigan during the Labor Day weekend. The show time for Desert Island is the prime time between 7pm & 8:40pm on Saturday, September 3rd. They will perform their original music and some Chinese modern pop and traditional music @ Vibe Credit Union International Stage. Please join us for great fun before the good weather ends! Desert Island Band Members: Yang Hu, Paula Zhou, John Wu, Hao Xu, Sherry Zhao, Beryl Wu & Andy Hu. http://www.musicpage.com/desertisland/

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