I graduated and going back to Taiwan. Need to sell my car Urgently!
- Mileages: 45,500
- Price: 21,300 (Negotiable)
- All scheduled maintenance at BMW Dealer shop
- No accidents
- Looks & runs great
- Non-smoker
- Maintenance records available at BMW Dealer
- Very clean interior.
- Brand New Tires and windshield wipers replaced at BMW Dealer,
I take very good care of the car. It is very Clean and looks VERY NEW.
- Premium package
- Bi-xenon Headlight
- Heated Leather Seats
- Moon roof
- Auto-dimming rear view mirror All scheduled maintenance at BMW Dealer shop, Looks & runs great, Maintenance records available at BMW Dealer, Brand New Tires and windshield wipers replaced at BMW Dealer, No accidents, Non-smoker, Very clean interior.
I take very good care of my car, it is very clean and looks Very New.
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墨绿色 LE型,7万英里多一点,保..